Trier - Germany's Oldest City

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Frg's oldest urban center is a quaint footling town near the border of Luxemburg, Trier.  It is the site of an ancient Roman encampment. Despite this history, Trier is not a popular tourist destination for foreign travelers, and the metropolis doesn't cater to international tourism the way many of the larger, more pop cities would.

Despite that, I think that everyone should add Trier to their Deutschland itinerary. Non only does information technology have an amazingly rich history, but it's located in the scenic Mosel Valley on the shores of the Mosel River. The city lies in the lower portion of the valley, and yous tin walk up into the hills and explore the vineyards for a scenic view of the town below.

All of this stuff is wonderful, and reason enough to take a detour or 24-hour interval trip to visit Germany's oldest city. But another reason to stop by is the food. Trier is home to one of the best restaurants I've ever been to in my life. Read on to detect out everything you need to know virtually the metropolis and the best way to explore it!

Where is Trier?

Trier is located in the Rhineland state of Germany. Information technology's very near the Western border, and in fact, the closest major airport is in another state, Luxemburg. It'southward located a few hours due south of Cologne and a few hours West of Frankfurt.

Getting to Trier

We collection to Trier on the autobahn (rental cars for the win!) for our first visit, and I flew to Trier via Luxemburg on my second visit. A train runs from Luxemburg to Trier fairly regularly, and that'south the easiest way to become in that location if you don't rent a car. However, yous tin can pay for the luxury service – a cab that will take you directly from the airport in Luxemburg to your hotel in Trier.

Why is Trier Considered Deutschland'southward Oldest City?

Trier is Frg's oldest metropolis because information technology'due south the location of an aboriginal Roman encampment. The Romans established a city there around thirty BC, and from there information technology became an important function of the western edge of their Empire. Tier was actually a lot larger and so than it is now. It was i of the largest cities of the Roman Empire and had approximately 75000 inhabitants.

Exploring Germany's Oldest Metropolis

Get a Groovy Overview with a Walking Tour

A corking fashion to explore any new city is with a walking bout. The tour guides are extremely knowledgeable and highlight the most important sites of the city.

Due to the lack off strange visitors, there is simply ane English language walking tour per day in Trier.  It costs 7 Euros per person and starts at 1300 daily. The tour is 75 minutes, and well worth it.

The Walking Tour gives an fantabulous overview of the city, from its origins in the Roman Empire through the medieval period and upwardly until the present. The tour guide points out buildings that used to be part of medieval castles, explains the meanings of the statues in the square, and gives yous a great deal of history on the oldest and most of import structures.

The Key Sites

The tour starts at the Porta Nigra (the Black gate) which was the original gate to the Roman Metropolis. It was heavily reinforced, and the structure really formed two gates which formed a trap against invaders. As y'all stand in the center you tin can imagine how terrifying it would take been to be trapped inside, with nowhere to hide from the arrows and hot oil flowing from above.

Later on visiting the bathhouse, we decided to walk the path upwards the loma to the vineyards. The walk was a little difficult, as it was rather steep, but it was worthwhile. Nosotros could see the amphitheater from the tiptop of the vineyard, so we didn't have to be disappointed that we missed it. We also saw astonishing views of the entire town. Information technology was quite spectacular. There are a few benches up on the hill, so later you climb you can relax and have in the views. It was a wonderfully serene way to spend the evening.

An Exquisite Culinary Feel

I mentioned the food in Trier in the opening paragraph, and I bet you're wondering what the best restaurant on the planet is.  Information technology'south chosen Kartoffel Kiste, which roughly translates to "the Spud Sack".

This eatery is so adept that I spent an actress $1000 to make a pitstop in Trier during my last trip to Germany. I went to Hamburg for a good friend's wedding, and couldn't turn down stopping by when I was in the same country. I hope the food is that good!

The first time I visited Kartoffel Kiste was on my first trip to Germany with my girlfriends. Nosotros ordered the homemade potato staff of life with cheese dip for an appetizer, and it was delicious. I ordered the spud assurance, and my friend ordered a dish with craven, broccoli, and cheese.

The About Succulent Matter I've Always Eaten

I can not even begin to explicate the deliciousness of these potato balls. The potatoes were similar to scalloped potatoes, but they were molded into lilliputian hollow balls. The center of the balls were filled with ground beef, and they were smothered with a creamy delectable cheese sauce. These cheese balls were the reason I took a 2d trip to Trier.  I practically ran to Kartoffel Kiste for dinner the 2d I stepped off the train from Luxemburg. My oral cavity watered as I ordered, and my tummy rumbled as I awaited my long-anticipated feast. The first bite was similar heaven. The savory sauce lingered on my natural language and information technology took all my willpower to non gobble information technology down similar I haven't eaten in three days.

germany's oldest city restaurant
Non very photogenic but incredibly delicious!

I returned to the Kartoffel Kiste for breakfast, and I badly wanted to try something dissimilar. Merely the call of the potato assurance was too strong. Who knows when I'll get back to Trier to savour this succulent entrée in one case once again? I ordered information technology again and ate the entire thing before communicable my train back to Luxemburg to head off on to the next leg of my journey.

I spent an actress g dollars to become to Trier and to eat these succulent spud assurance twice, and permit me tell yous, information technology was worth every penny. And the truth is, nearly High german cuisine is really really good. A lot of astonishing foods originated in Germany, and information technology'south only a matter of fourth dimension before information technology becomes celebrated as the foodie country it truly is.

More Things to practise in Trier

Trier is a gorgeous city with a lot of history. It truly is a subconscious gem and it'southward unfortunate that it's overlooked by Frg's larger cities and castle towns.  It is definitely worth a visit. Check out all the other great things to do in Trier on Viator!


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