Why Do My Legs Bruise So Easy

unexplained leg bruising

Bruises aren't unusual, as most of us get it for some or the other reason. However, what if you had no idea how you've gotten it in the first place? It can frighten or put anyone in a panic mode, trying hard to recall the reason that could have caused them. For those unaware, this is not a made-up story but something that happens to people in real life. In this blog, we'll discuss unexplained bruising on legs, its causes and tips for prevention.

What Causes Unexplained Bruising on Legs?

Ageing Can Lead to Bruises on Legs

With age, your skin may turn thinner along with less cushioning from fat. Therefore, older adults bruise (1) easily compared to younger people. It also takes longer for bruises to heal in older adults.

Family History

If people in your family (2) are prone to getting bruises, you may get them too.

Gender Can Also Determine Unexplained Bruising

women with leg bruise

In comparison to men, women (3) are susceptible to bruises.

Health Conditions That Can Cause Unexplained Bruising on Legs

Liver Diseases

Liver diseases can impact the body's ability to form clots as well as prevent bleeding.

Autoimmune Conditions

 rheumatoid arthritis

Unexplained bruising can also be due to some autoimmune conditions, like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

Unexplained Bruising Due to Vitamin Deficiencies

Being deficient in vitamin K and vitamin C can also lead to bruising.

Bleeding Disorders & Clotting Issues

Certain bleeding disorders such as factor V deficiency and haemophilia may cause frequent bruising.


Some cancers that affect blood cells can lead to random bruising. For instance, one such cancer is multiple myeloma.

When Should You See a Doctor?

doctor and patient

Talk to a doctor if you come across the following symptoms:

  • If the bruises show no sign of improvement even after a week or two.
  • In case bruises occur in the same area.
  • If you notice bruises that appear after you've started taking a new medication or supplement.
  • If bruises frequently occur or appear for no obvious reason.
  • In case there's bruising that's serious despite a minor injury or bump.

Things to Keep in Mind for Unexplained Bruising

  • If there's an underlying condition causing unexplained bruising on the leg, it's essential to treat it. You need to follow the advice and instructions suggested by your doctor.
  • If it is due to a supplement or medication, consult with your doctor, who can suggest a substitute or ask you to stop taking it entirely.
  • Those who are facing the issue because of vitamin deficiencies may replace that particular vitamin with the help of food sources or treatment.
  • At times, platelet or blood transfusions can be beneficial and help to eliminate the blood clotting issues. It works by introducing healthy clotting elements again into your blood.
  • If the bruise has already formed, there's hardly much that you can do. However, elevating your legs or applying ice can be helpful.

Prevention Tips For Those Prone to Unexplained Bruising on Legs

  • Ensure that there isn't darkness or insufficient light in your house to make it easier for you to see which item is where or what's on the floor.
  • Make sure that your house in general or areas on/around stairs should be clutter-free. Also, keep in mind that there aren't items or cords that can cause hazards like tripping and falling.
  • Arrange your furniture so that it ensures freedom to move freely without any obstruction. It will help prevent bumping or getting an injury due to the placement of furniture.

Summing Up

Unexplained bruising doesn't always intend to mean something severe. It could be a case of you being more prone to bruising that's hard to recall at times. Other than this, it can also occur due to reasons such as your genes, age, medical conditions, and medication. Hence, if you or a family member has bruises frequently or nothing seems to be working, reach out to a doctor.

FAQs about unexplained bruising on legs

What causes unexplained bruising on hands?

Exactly like legs, unexplained bruising on hands can be due to bumping or something in general. However, there could be underlying reasons too. Therefore, discuss with a doctor who can examine and clarify if it is normal or needs treatment.

When should you worry about bruises?

Bruises aren't generally something you need to worry about. Mostly, they heal on their own. Though, some bruises may require medical supervision. If you are more susceptible to bruises, it doesn't heal even after weeks, there are health issues, or if you are generally concerned, consult a medical professional.

Can bruises occur due to low iron in your body?

Being deficient in iron can cause frequent bruising. The reason being, your body requires iron to maintain healthy blood cells. When they are unhealthy, your body would be unable to get the necessary oxygen for proper functioning. Hence, your skin can tend to get bruises quite easily.


Source: https://cureskin.com/articles/unexplained-bruising-on-legs-should-you-be-worried/

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